Republican denarius: coin of Roman Republic; 10 as
REPUBLICAN DENARIUS: COIN OF ROME Republican denarius, 80 BC: Roman Republic The coin is also known in Latin as &quo…
Limes denarius: coin of the Limes (border areas of the Roman Empire)
LIMES DENARIUS: IMITATION OF ROMAN COIN Limes denarius, the beginning of the 3th century (approximately): Frontiers of…
Denarius: coin of Roman Empire; 4 sestertius or 10 as
DENARIUS: COIN OF ROMAN EMPIRE Denarius, 145-147 AD: Roman Empire (Marcus Aurelius; Honos) Ruler: Marcus Aurelius — …
Chalkon: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia; 2 lepton
CHALKON: COIN OF OLBIA (MODERN UKRAINE) Chalkon (χαλκον), 380-360 BC: city-state Olbia Spikelet and dolphin to the l…
Antoninianus: coin of Roman Empire (III century)
ANTONINIANUS: COIN OF ROMAN EMPIRE Antoninianus (Gordian III, FORTUNA REDUX), 238-244 AD: Roman Empire The classic a…
Wheel money: coin of Istros (500-400 BC)
WHEEL MONEY: COIN OF HISTRIA Wheel money /wheel coin/, 500-400 BC: ancient city Istros Histria (or Istros) — ancient…
Follis: coin of Roman Empire (III-IV centuries)
FOLLIS: COIN OF ROMAN EMPIRE Follis, 314-315 AD: Roman Empire Ruler: Constantine I (Constantine the Great) — Roman e…
Celtic tetradrachm: coin of celts in Central and Eastern Europe (300-50 BC)
CELTIC TETRADRACHM: COIN OF CELTS (CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE) Celtic tetradrachm, 200-100 BC: tribes of celts in C…
Dichalkon: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia (400-90 BC)
DICHALKON: COIN OF OLBIA (MODERN UKRAINE) Dichalkon (δίχαλκον), 360-350 BC: city-state Olbia Ancient Greek city-stat…