Payalo: coin from Princely State of Kutch (1943-1947)
Paisa: coin of Baroda State; 1/64 rupee
Jital: coin of medieval Northern India (king Prithviraj III)
Fanam: coin from Kingdom of Cochin (India); 1/42 pagoda
Tanga: coin of Portuguese India (16th-20th centuries); 1/16 rupia or 12 réis
Dam: coin of Mughal Empire (16th-18th centuries); 1/40 rupee
Cash: coin from Kingdom of Travancore (1815-1949); 1/448 rupee
Kori: coin from Princely State of Kutch (1655-1947)
Amman kasu: coin from Princely State of Pudukkottai